Sonic.exe Revisited

I'm a huge fan of Sonic the Hedgehog. I'm sure a lot of people are as well. I do enjoy some of the newer installments, but I'm also a fan of the Genesis games. I haven't really played any of those underdeveloped games like Sonic 06 or Sonic Boom. Although, I am terrified of doing so after an incident that happened to me not too long ago.
It started on a nice summer afternoon. While I was playing Sonic Unleashed, the mailman arrived. I paused my game to fetch the mail. All there was in my mailbox was a generic jewel case with a letter from my dear friend Mark.
Oh Mark... I haven't heard from him in 2 weeks. I wonder what he has to say.
The strange thing about this letter was that the writing was rushed as if he was in a hurry to send it. Here's was it said.

''I can't take it anymore. I had to get rid of it somehow. I need you to destroy it for me, or else he'll come after you too. I couldn't track his movements. I'm afraid it's too late for me. Don't you dare think about playing it. He'll be expecting you.''

''Please, destroy it.''

How unusual... I couldn't tell if Mark was trolling me or not, but I had to see what the big deal was. It seemed to be a CD-R disk with "Sonic.exe" written on it with black sharpie. This looked different than Mark's handwriting, so he must have gotten the game from eBay. When I saw "Sonic" on the disk, I really wanted to play it. After all, it's just a game...right?
I booted the game on my computer. When the title screen showed, I knew it was Sonic 1 on Genesis. I was exited, because I like the classics. The first thing out of place was when I pressed start, there was a split second that the screen changed. But I didn't think of it at the time.
The screen cut to black, and the file select screen loaded up. I was confused at this point, seeing the Sonic 3 file select in Sonic 1. Although, I couldn't play as Sonic. Only as Tails, Knuckles, and Dr. Robotnik. Wait... Dr. Robotnik? He was never playable on the Genesis...
I was startled at best, but I chose my favorite, Tails. When I selected the file, I heard a creepy bit-crunched laugh. The level loaded, and the text said "HILL, ACT 1". It showed Tails in a flat version of Green Hill Zone. Not much of a challenge at this point. The music was a peaceful tune, and I couldn't imagine why. I advanced through the level, until I stumbled upon one of the animals, laying on the ground.
That's where the music started to slow down. Was he resting, or is something more sinister going on?
I kept going, and saw more animals laying down, motionless. I couldn't interact with them. Then the music stopped as I ran up a hill.
That must have triggered a cut-scene. I saw Sonic, standing on the top of the hill with his eyes closed. Tails walked up to Sonic, while the sound of static was growing louder. When Tails was about to get Sonic's attention, Sonic just stared at him, with red eyes.
And then a message appeared. "Hello. Do you want to play with me?"
I didn't know what he meant by that. Then I was taken to Angel Island Act 2, except the title card simply said "HIDE AND SEEK".
Once again, there was flat ground that seemed to stretch for a while. The music turned dark and unsettling. Tails looked concerned, but then I saw hallucinations of Sonic appearing on the monitor. Then Sonic appeared, chasing tails, and he was flying!
That drowning music played, and I panicked. Tails ran as fast as he could, but was unable to escape. Tails tripped and sobbed for a bit, until Sonic appeared in front of him. The screen cut off, and another message popped up. It said "You're too slow. Want to try again?"
The file select loaded back up, and Tails was missing. I didn't know what happened to him. This was certainly freaky.
Then I thought about what Mark said.
I had to destroy that god-forsaken disk!
I reached into my gun cabinet, ejected the disk from my computer, and promptly shot it. It shattered into pieces. Then I heard static from my computer. Not again. It was Sonic. He was staring at me, and had a look of murderous intent. I still don't know what exactly happened. For a moment, I was blinded for a few seconds. By the time I came to my senses, I heard a whisper.
"Try to keep this interesting for me.....Andrew."
I turned around to see where the voice came from, and sitting on my bed was a Sonic plush with blood stains under his eyes. The worst part of this, is that I remembered that split second at the title screen.
Sonic was covered in blood. That can't be a good sign. So I shot him too.
So that was the end of my story, but there were other cases of this same disk appearing in other people's hands. One such case was Tom, where he was found dead in his apartment, where he had hung himself.
Don't buy unusual things off of eBay. In fact, don't use eBay at all. Amazon is a much better way of buying things. Saves you a lot of trouble.
Author's Note: I pretty much just gave up a third of the way, because
# It's fucking terrible.
# It wasn't necessary.
# Only an idiot would stick around for that long.
# If this had gone any longer, all suspicion would be thrown out the window.
So there you have it, readers. I posted it here instead of the Creepypasta Wiki because I just need your guys' opinion before I risk getting my story deleted. And if it does, I wouldn't care. It's just something to do in my pastime.